Love; In The Spaces It Has Filled

There is love in your life!

Fountain Olusanya
2 min readFeb 14, 2022

Today is Valentine’s day, and social media will be agog with boos and babes displaying their relationship’s dexterity, uniqueness, and generosity — and they are allowed to. The truth is that having genuine love expressed is one of the most beautiful things in the world, and somewhere within us all is the desire to give and receive that love. And so, you might see the posts today or the gift from a friend’s lover, and you find yourself a little sad or, even worse, cynical because none comes your way.

Perhaps, you have found “love” in the past, but circumstances or betrayal ripped your heart apart. Or maybe you have never experienced the glorious joy of an exclusive relationship, and today, the pressure mounts. It was you I thought of when I wrote this piece. I thought to help you see that, even today, you can authentically feel the pleasures of love if you would only stop to look around.

You see, my dear friend, love was never limited to an exclusive romantic relationship. No, love is a free spirit. She exists wherever you let her into (yeah, I always felt love had a feminine personality), and you have already let her into some places. Yes, you have. You just need to take a little to consider it.

The Spaces She Has Filled

It may be in the unwavering love of your parents for you, despite all that has happened to them, or perhaps it is that friend who has seen you at your lowest and loved you the same. You may find her in the love that a child has for you or the adoration you see in the eye of that mentee.

Or even still, consider the love you have for yourself, how you have picked yourself up several times, how you always strive for the best and take care of your health. Oh, and consider that one loves you so much he died for you.

So, you see, you are not without love. Yes, I know you look forward to one of the most intimate expressions of love with a partner, but till then, appreciate the expressions you already have.

Today, thank a friend, say a prayer to God, celebrate your mom or dad, give yourself a treat or a pat on the back as you work. Today, see love in the spaces she has filled.

Happy Valentine’s day

