Lessons from the Worst Year Of My Life

Fountain Olusanya
4 min readDec 17, 2023


The title was not a clickbait of any sort. After thoroughly assessing the last year of my life in all areas, it was indeed not a great one. In the last year, I failed in many ways, and perhaps in the most important ways to me. I also experienced shortage and lack like I have not experienced in a long while. Spiritually, it wasn’t great either. I struggled for a great part and was overcome by a great deal of inconsistencies.

Some weeks back, I picked my journal where I wrote down my goals and dreams for 2023 and realized that right from the first thing on the list down to the last, I had not achieved or met most of them.

It was at that point, and after some other inquiries, that I concluded that 2023 might indeed be the year to forget; and you can be sure that I felt a certain amount of sadness, depression, and unsurprising numbness.

A Little on Numbness

Numbness was one of my major partners last year. In many ways, I watched myself fail to care when I knew I should and fail to act when I typically would try. Sure, there were times I found the strength to feel and act, but at other times, I simply gave in and failed to feel anything.


But thankfully, over the last two weeks, I have begun to think further about the year and realized that I could still learn from all the failures and perhaps even be grateful for a couple of things if I tried to think deeply. It is these things that I am putting down below as lessons from the worst year of my lie. I hope they mean something to you the way they have for me.

Lesson 1

Your life is your responsibility, and so are your weaknesses. You can reduce your suffering by taking responsibility for your life, and you can increase it by failing to do so. Yes, indeed, in some ways, your suffering is your fault.

Lesson 2

You must learn to be grateful for small things and must strive hard to see the light when the darkness attempts to envelop you. And the funny truth is if you look for light, you will find it.

Lessons 3

Those who have decided to love you will love you regardless. They may be disappointed and hurt, but ultimately, love is a choice, and when a person decides to love you, they do. Also, when they don’t. They don’t.

Lesson 4

Death is coming for us all.

Lesson 5

God's ways and instructions are the safest and wisest place to be. To ignore them will always cost you.

Lesson 6

God is merciful and kind. Indeed, there is none as merciful as He is. To experience his mercy will leave anyone in tears. To pray for his mercy is true wisdom.

Lesson 7

Fear will cripple you in ways that nothing else can.

Lesson 8

A hug from a true friend at certain points of your life will never leave you. It will warm you up and provide light on dark days.

Lesson 9

Love is a risky business but a worthwhile one. The prayer is to love the right person.

Lesson 10

There are people who wish for your ultimate good at all times. They are not just your friends; they could be mere acquaintances. And every man should run into them from time to time. They energize you.

Lesson 11

Kindness is a skill, and it can be learned intentionally.

Lesson 12

Virtue and human goodness are not found only in religious people. There are good people on the face of the earth, and not all have a relationship with Jesus.

Lesson 13

Many times, the worst thing possible doesn’t happen.

Lesson 14

It is a blessing of immeasurable value to have good and godly parents. May our children be able to say that we are such. I am lucky and blessed to have such.

Lesson 15

Tell the truth to yourself and others. It is the only way to trust your thoughts.

Lesson 16

People can lie to themselves convincingly.

Well, there you have them: sixteen lessons that shaped the last year and will perhaps shape the rest of my life.

